Joomla a verze PHP

Vyřešeno1.90K zhlédnutíWebhosting

Dobrý den, mám na webhostingu Joomla 3.9.21. V administraci mi to píše:
Verzi PHP, 7.2.14, pouze dostává i pouze informace o bezpečnostnícch opravách od PHP projektu. To znamená, že vaše verze PHP již brzy nebude podporována. Doporučujeme naplánování upgradu na novější verzi PHP, dřív než dojde k ukončení podpory na 30. 11. 2020. Joomla bude rychlejší a bezpečnější, pokud provedete upgrade na novější verzi PHP (PHP je doporučeno 7.x). Pro pokyny k upgradu se obraťte na váš webhosting.
Nastavil jsem tedy verzi 7.3 a na stránkách mi to začalo psát:

Warning: „continue“ targeting switch is equivalent to „break“. Did you mean to use „continue 2“? in /data/web/virtuals/45471/virtual/www/domains/ on line 188

Nevíte, co s tím? Děkuji předem.


Role: Zákazník
Otázka je uzamčena pro nové odpovědi.
RM130195 Vybral nejlepší odpověď 16. 9. 2020
46.16K Odpověď od WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments

Dobrý den,

to by bylo nutné řešit s vaším programátorem. Nebo zatím změňte verzi PHP na 7.2, ta je podporovaná a neměla by zobrazovat tuto chybu.

Role: Podpora Web: Vizitka: Produktový manažer.
RM130195 Vybral nejlepší odpověď 16. 9. 2020
53.63K Odpověď od WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments

Dobrý den,

to je bohužel nějaký problém šablony joomly, nicméně to lze snadno opravit přímo v kódu –

Role: Podpora Web: Vizitka: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue Unexpected '{' on line 32.
JŠ255861 Odpověděl na otázku 4. 9. 2020

Dobrý den, jsem lama a nějak se v tom nevyznám, kde a co opravit. Můžete pomoct?


Role: Zákazník
MV270050 Změnil status na publikováno 10. 9. 2020
53.63K Odpověď od WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments

Dobrý den,

máte to v napsané v odkazu. V konkrétním souboru musíte pouze upravit konkrétní řádek dle předlohy.

Role: Podpora Web: Vizitka: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue Unexpected '{' on line 32.
JŠ255861 Odpověděl na otázku 10. 9. 2020

Dobrý den,

když já tam ten soubor nemám

Role: Zákazník
JŠ255861 Změnil status na publikováno 10. 9. 2020
53.63K Odpověď od WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments

Dobrý den,

musí tam být. Jedná se o soubor www/domains/

Role: Podpora Web: Vizitka: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue Unexpected '{' on line 32.
JŠ255861 Odpověděl na otázku 10. 9. 2020


defined(‚_JEXEC‘) or die;

if (!defined(‚_ARTX_FUNCTIONS‘)) {

define(‚_ARTX_FUNCTIONS‘, 1);

$GLOBALS[‚artx_settings‘] = array(
‚block‘ => array(‚has_header‘ => true),
‚menu‘ => array(‚show_submenus‘ => true),
‚vmenu‘ => array(‚show_submenus‘ => false, ‚simple‘ => false)

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . ‚/library/Artx.php‘;

* Decorates an article or block with the art-post style.
* Elements of the $data array:
* ‚classes‘
* ‚header-text‘
* ‚header-icon‘
* ‚header-link‘
* ‚metadata-header-icons‘
* ‚metadata-footer-icons‘
* ‚content‘
function artxPost($data)
if (is_string($data))
$data = array(‚content‘ => $data);
$classes = isset($data[‚classes‘]) && strlen($data[‚classes‘]) ? $data[‚classes‘] : “;
artxFragmentBegin(„<article class=\“art-post“ . $classes . „\“>“);
artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-postmetadataheader\“>“);
artxFragmentBegin(„<h2 class=\“art-postheader\“>“);
if (isset($data[‚header-text‘]) && strlen($data[‚header-text‘])) {
if (isset($data[‚header-link‘]) && strlen($data[‚header-link‘]))
artxFragmentContent(‚<a href=“‚ . $data[‚header-link‘] . ‚“>‘ . $data[‚header-text‘] . ‚</a>‘);

artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-postheadericons art-metadata-icons\“>“);
if (isset($data[‚metadata-header-icons‘]) && count($data[‚metadata-header-icons‘]))
foreach ($data[‚metadata-header-icons‘] as $icon)
artxFragment(“, $icon, “, ‚ | ‚);
artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-postcontent clearfix\“>“);
if (isset($data[‚content‘]) && strlen($data[‚content‘]))
artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-postmetadatafooter\“>“);
artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-postfootericons art-metadata-icons\“>“);
if (isset($data[‚metadata-footer-icons‘]) && count($data[‚metadata-footer-icons‘]))
foreach ($data[‚metadata-footer-icons‘] as $icon)
artxFragment(“, $icon, “, ‚ | ‚);


return artxFragmentEnd(„</article>“, “, true);


function artxBlock($caption, $content, $classes = “)
$hasCaption = ($GLOBALS[‚artx_settings‘][‚block‘][‚has_header‘]
&& null !== $caption && strlen(trim($caption)) > 0);
$hasContent = (null !== $content && strlen(trim($content)) > 0);
if (!$hasCaption && !$hasContent)
return “;
artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-block clearfix“ . $classes . „\“>“);
artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-blockheader\“><h3 class=\“t\“>“);
artxFragmentBegin(„<div class=\“art-blockcontent\“>“);

return artxFragmentEnd(„</div>“, “, true);


function artxUrlToHref($url)
$result = “;
$p = parse_url($url);
if (isset($p[‚scheme‘]) && isset($p[‚host‘])) {
$result = $p[‚scheme‘] . ‚://‘;
if (isset($p[‚user‘])) {
$result .= $p[‚user‘];
if (isset($p[‚pass‘]))
$result .= ‚:‘ . $p[‚pass‘];
$result .= ‚@‘;
$result .= $p[‚host‘];
if (isset($p[‚port‘]))
$result .= ‚:‘ . $p[‚port‘];
if (!isset($p[‚path‘]))
$result .= ‚/‘;
if (isset($p[‚path‘]))
$result .= $p[‚path‘];
if (isset($p[‚query‘])) {
$result .= ‚?‘ . str_replace(‚&‘, ‚&amp;‘, $p[‚query‘]);
if (isset($p[‚fragment‘]))
$result .= ‚#‘ . $p[‚fragment‘];
return $result;

* Searches $content for tags and returns information about each found tag.
* Created to support button replacing process, e.g. wrapping submit/reset
* inputs and buttons with artisteer style.
* When all the $name tags are found, they are processed by the $filter specified.
* Filter is applied to the attributes. When an attribute contains several values
* (e.g. class attribute), only tags that contain all the values from filter
* will be selected. E.g. filtering by the button class will select elements
* with class=“button“ and class=“button validate“.
* Parsing does not support nested tags. Looking for span tags in
* <span>1<span>2</span>3</span> will return <span>1<span>2</span> and
* <span>2</span>.
* Examples:
* Select all tags with class=’readon‘:
* artxFindTags($html, array(‚*‘ => array(‚class‘ => ‚readon‘)))
* Select inputs with type=’submit‘ and class=’button‘:
* artxFindTags($html, array(‚input‘ => array(‚type‘ => ‚submit‘, ‚class‘ => ‚button‘)))
* Select inputs with type=’submit‘ and class=’button validate‘:
* artxFindTags($html, array(‚input‘ => array(‚type‘ => ‚submit‘, ‚class‘ => array(‚button‘, ‚validate‘))))
* Select inputs with class != ‚art-button‘
* artxFindTags($html, array(‚input‘ => array(‚class‘ => ‚!art-button‘)))
* Select inputs with non-empty class
* artxFindTags($html, array(‚input‘ => array(‚class‘ => ‚!‘)))
* Select inputs with class != ‚art-button‘ and non-empty class:
* artxFindTags($html, array(‚input‘ => array(‚class‘ => array(‚!art-button‘, ‚!‘))))
* Select inputs with class = button but != ‚art-button‘
* artxFindTags($html, array(‚input‘ => array(‚class‘ => array(‚button‘, ‚!art-button‘))))
* @return array of text fragments and tag information: position, length,
* name, attributes, raw_open_tag, body.
function artxFindTags($content, $filters)
$result = array(“);
$index = 0;
$position = 0;
$name = implode(‚|‘, array_keys($filters));
$name = str_replace(‚*‘, ‚\w+‘, $name);
// search for open tag
if (preg_match_all(
‚~<(‚ . $name . ‚)\b(?:\s+[^\s]+\s*=\s*(?:“[^“]+“|\'[^\‘]+\’|[^\s>]+))*\s*/?‘ . ‚>~i‘, $content,
foreach ($tagMatches as $tagMatch) {
$rawMatch = $tagMatch[0][0];
$name = $tagMatch[1][0];
$normalName = strtolower($name);
$tag = array(‚name‘ => $name, ‚position‘ => $tagMatch[0][1]);
$openTagTail = (strlen($rawMatch) > 1 && ‚/‘ == $rawMatch[strlen($rawMatch) – 2])
? ‚/>‘ : ‚>‘;
// different instructions for paired and unpaired tags
switch ($normalName)
case ‚input‘:
case ‚img‘:
case ‚br‘:
$tag[‚paired‘] = false;
$tag[‚length‘] = strlen($tagMatch[0][0]);
$tag[‚body‘] = null;
$tag[‚close‘] = 2 == strlen($openTagTail);
$closeTag = ‚</‘ . $name . ‚>‘;
$closeTagLength = strlen($closeTag);
$tag[‚paired‘] = true;
$end = strpos($content, $closeTag, $tag[‚position‘]);
if (false === $end)
$openTagLength = strlen($tagMatch[0][0]);
$tag[‚body‘] = substr($content, $tag[‚position‘] + $openTagLength,
$end – $openTagLength – $tag[‚position‘]);
$tag[‚length‘] = $end + $closeTagLength – $tag[‚position‘];
// parse attributes
$rawAttributes = trim(substr($tagMatch[0][0], strlen($name) + 1,
strlen($tagMatch[0][0]) – strlen($name) – 1 – strlen($openTagTail)));
$attributes = array();
if (preg_match_all(‚~([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*(?:(„)([^“]+)“|(\‘)([^\‘]+)\’|([^\s]+))~‘,
$rawAttributes, $attributeMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER))
foreach ($attributeMatches as $attrMatch) {
$attrName = $attrMatch[1];
$attrDelimeter = (isset($attrMatch[2]) && “ !== $attrMatch[2])
? $attrMatch[2]
: ((isset($attrMatch[4]) && “ !== $attrMatch[4])
? $attrMatch[4] : “);
$attrValue = (isset($attrMatch[3]) && “ !== $attrMatch[3])
? $attrMatch[3]
: ((isset($attrMatch[5]) && “ !== $attrMatch[5])
? $attrMatch[5] : $attrMatch[6]);
if (‚class‘ == $attrName)
$attrValue = explode(‚ ‚, preg_replace(‚~\s+~‘, ‚ ‚, $attrValue));
$attributes[$attrName] = array(‚delimeter‘ => $attrDelimeter,
‚value‘ => $attrValue);
// apply filter to attributes
$passed = true;
$filter = isset($filters[$normalName])
? $filters[$normalName]
: (isset($filters[‚*‘]) ? $filters[‚*‘] : array());
foreach ($filter as $key => $value) {
$criteria = is_array($value) ? $value : array($value);
for ($c = 0; $c < count($criteria) && $passed; $c++) {
$crit = $criteria[$c];
if (“ == $crit) {
// attribute should be empty
if (‚class‘ == $key) {
if (isset($attributes[$key]) && count($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) != 0) {
$passed = false;
} else {
if (isset($attributes[$key]) && strlen($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) != 0) {
$passed = false;
} else if (‚!‘ == $crit) {
// attribute should be not set or empty
if (‚class‘ == $key) {
if (!isset($attributes[$key]) || count($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) == 0) {
$passed = false;
} else {
if (!isset($attributes[$key]) || strlen($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) == 0) {
$passed = false;
} else if (‚!‘ == $crit[0]) {
// * attribute should not contain value
// * if attribute is empty, it does not contain value
if (‚class‘ == $key) {
if (isset($attributes[$key]) && count($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) != 0
&& in_array(substr($crit, 1), $attributes[$key][‚value‘]))
$passed = false;
} else {
if (isset($attributes[$key]) && strlen($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) != 0
&& $crit == $attributes[$key][‚value‘])
$passed = false;
} else {
// * attribute should contain value
// * if attribute is empty, it does not contain value
if (‚class‘ == $key) {
if (!isset($attributes[$key]) || count($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) == 0) {
$passed = false;
if (!in_array($crit, $attributes[$key][‚value‘])) {
$passed = false;
} else {
if (!isset($attributes[$key]) || strlen($attributes[$key][‚value‘]) == 0) {
$passed = false;
if ($crit != $attributes[$key][‚value‘]) {
$passed = false;
if (!$passed)
if (!$passed)
// finalize tag info constrution
$tag[‚attributes‘] = $attributes;
$result[$index] = substr($content, $position, $tag[‚position‘] – $position);
$position = $tag[‚position‘] + $tag[‚length‘];
$result[$index] = $tag;
$result[$index] = $position < strlen($content) ? substr($content, $position) : “;
return $result;

* Converts tag info created by artxFindTags back to text tag.
* @return string
function artxTagInfoToString($info)
$result = ‚<‚ . $info[‚name‘];
if (isset($info[‚attributes‘]) && 0 != count($info[‚attributes‘])) {
$attributes = “;
foreach ($info[‚attributes‘] as $key => $value)
$attributes .= ‚ ‚ . $key . ‚=‘ . $value[‚delimeter‘]
. (is_array($value[‚value‘]) ? implode(‚ ‚, $value[‚value‘]) : $value[‚value‘])
. $value[‚delimeter‘];
$result .= $attributes;
if ($info[‚paired‘]) {
$result .= ‚>‘;
$result .= $info[‚body‘];
$result .= ‚</‘ . $info[‚name‘] . ‚>‘;
} else
$result .= ($info[‚close‘] ? ‚ /‘ : “) . ‚>‘;
return $result;

* Decorates the specified tag with artisteer button style.
* @param string $name tag name that should be decorated
* @param array $filter select $name tags with attributes matching $filter
* @return $content with replaced $name tags
function artxReplaceButtons($content, $filter = array(‚input‘ => array(‚class‘ => ‚button‘)))
$result = “;
foreach (artxFindTags($content, $filter) as $tag) {
if (is_string($tag))
$result .= $tag;
else {
$tag[‚attributes‘][‚class‘][‚value‘][] = ‚art-button‘;
$result .= artxTagInfoToString($tag);
return $result;

function artxLinkButton($data = array())
return ‚<a class=“‚ . (isset($data[‚classes‘]) && isset($data[‚classes‘][‚a‘]) ? $data[‚classes‘][‚a‘] . ‚ ‚ : “)
. ‚art-button“ href=“‚ . $data[‚link‘] . ‚“>‘ . $data[‚content‘] . ‚</a>‘;

function artxHtmlFixFormAction($content)
if (preg_match(‚~ action=“([^“]+)“ ~‘, $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$content = substr($content, 0, $matches[0][1])
. ‚ action=“‚ . artxUrlToHref($matches[1][0]) . ‚“ ‚
. substr($content, $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]));
return $content;

function artxTagBuilder($tag, $attributes = array(), $content = “) {
$result = ‚<‚ . $tag;
foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {
if (is_string($value)) {
if (!empty($value))
$result .= ‚ ‚ . $name . ‚=“‚ . $value . ‚“‚;
} else if (is_array($value)) {
$values = array_filter($value);
if (count($values))
$result .= ‚ ‚ . $name . ‚=“‚ . implode(‚ ‚, $value) . ‚“‚;
$result .= ‚>‘ . $content . ‚</‘ . $tag . ‚>‘;
return $result;

$artxFragments = array();

function artxFragmentBegin($head = “)
global $artxFragments;
$artxFragments[] = array(‚head‘ => $head, ‚content‘ => “, ‚tail‘ => “);

function artxFragmentContent($content = “)
global $artxFragments;
$artxFragments[count($artxFragments) – 1][‚content‘] = $content;

function artxFragmentEnd($tail = “, $separator = “, $return = false)
global $artxFragments;
$fragment = array_pop($artxFragments);
$fragment[‚tail‘] = $tail;
$content = trim($fragment[‚content‘]);
if (count($artxFragments) == 0) {
if ($return)
return (trim($content) == “) ? “ : ($fragment[‚head‘] . $content . $fragment[‚tail‘]);
echo (trim($content) == “) ? “ : ($fragment[‚head‘] . $content . $fragment[‚tail‘]);
} else {
$result = (trim($content) == “) ? “ : ($fragment[‚head‘] . $content . $fragment[‚tail‘]);
$fragment =& $artxFragments[count($artxFragments) – 1];
$fragment[‚content‘] .= (trim($fragment[‚content‘]) == “ ? “ : $separator) . $result;

function artxFragment($head = “, $content = “, $tail = “, $separator = “, $return = false)
global $artxFragments;
if ($head != “ && $content == “ && $tail == “ && $separator == “) {
$content = $head;
$head = “;
} elseif ($head != “ && $content != “ && $tail == “ && $separator == “) {
$separator = $content;
$content = $head;
$head = “;
artxFragmentEnd($tail, $separator, $return);

function artxPostprocessBlockContent($content)
return artxPostprocessContent($content);

function artxPostprocessPostContent($content)
return artxPostprocessContent($content);

function artxPostprocessContent($content)
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$sef = method_exists($config, ‚getValue‘) ? $config->getValue(‚config.sef‘) : $sef = $config->get(‚sef‘);
if ($sef)
$content = str_replace(‚url(\’images/‘, ‚url(\“ . JURI::base(true) . ‚/images/‘, $content);
$content = artxReplaceButtons($content, array(‚input‘ => array(‚class‘ => array(‚button‘, ‚!art-button‘)),
‚button‘ => array(‚class‘ => array(‚button‘, ‚!art-button‘)), ‚button‘ => array(‚class‘ => array(‚btn‘, ‚!art-button‘))));
return $content;

$artxStorage = array();
$artxIndex = 0;

function artxReplacer($match) {
global $artxStorage;
global $artxIndex;
$key = ‚[[ARTXSCRIPT‘ . $artxIndex . ‚]]‘;
$artxStorage[$key] = $match[0];
return $key;

function artxReplacer2($match) {
global $artxStorage;
return $artxStorage[$match[0]];

function artxBalanceTags($text) {

$text = preg_replace_callback(‚/<script[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/‘, ‚artxReplacer‘ , $text);

$singleTags = array(‚area‘, ‚base‘, ‚basefont‘, ‚br‘, ‚col‘, ‚command‘, ‚embed‘, ‚frame‘, ‚hr‘, ‚img‘, ‚input‘, ‚isindex‘, ‚link‘, ‚meta‘, ‚param‘, ‚source‘);
$nestedTags = array(‚blockquote‘, ‚div‘, ‚object‘, ‚q‘, ‚span‘);

$stack = array();
$size = 0;
$queue = “;
$output = “;

while (preg_match(„/<(\/?[\w:]*)\s*([^>]*)>/“, $text, $match)) {
$output .= $queue;

$i = strpos($text, $match[0]);
$l = strlen($match[0]);

$queue = “;

if (isset($match[1][0]) && ‚/‘ == $match[1][0]) {
// processing of the end tag
$tag = strtolower(substr($match[1],1));

if($size <= 0) {
$tag = “;
} else if ($stack[$size – 1] == $tag) {
$tag = ‚</‘ . $tag . ‚>‘;
} else {
for ($j = $size-1; $j >= 0; $j–) {
if ($stack[$j] == $tag) {
for ($k = $size-1; $k >= $j; $k–) {
$queue .= ‚</‘ . array_pop($stack) . ‚>‘;
$tag = “;
} else {
// processing of the begin tag
$tag = strtolower($match[1]);

if (substr($match[2], -1) == ‚/‘) {
if (!in_array($tag, $singleTags))
$match[2] = trim(substr($match[2], 0, -1)) . „></$tag“;
} elseif (in_array($tag, $singleTags)) {
$match[2] .= ‚/‘;
} else {
if ($size > 0 && !in_array($tag, $nestedTags) && $stack[$size – 1] == $tag) {
$queue = ‚</‘ . array_pop($stack) . ‚>‘;
$size = array_push($stack, $tag);

// attributes
$attributes = $match[2];
if(!empty($attributes) && $attributes[0] != ‚>‘)
$attributes = ($tag ? ‚ ‚ : “) . $attributes;

$tag = ‚<‚ . $tag . $attributes . ‚>‘;

if (!empty($queue)) {
$queue .= $tag;
$tag = “;
$output .= substr($text, 0, $i) . $tag;
$text = substr($text, $i + $l);

$output .= ($queue . $text);

while($t = array_pop($stack))
$output .= ‚</‘ . $t . ‚>‘;

$output = preg_replace_callback(‚/\[\[ARTXSCRIPT[0-9]+\]\]/‘, ‚artxReplacer2‘, $output);
return $output;

Role: Zákazník
JŠ255861 Změnil status na publikováno 10. 9. 2020