Zastaraly certifikat VNC serveru
Uplne stejne jako 2 roky stary dotaz zde:
Kupodivu je oznaceny jako vyreseny, ackoliv problem stale trva i po dvou letech.
1 Odpověď
TcpSocket: Connecting to [] port 40002
CConn: Connected to host port 40002
CConnection: reading protocol version
CConnection: Server supports RFB protocol version 3.8
CConnection: Using RFB protocol version 3.8
CConnection: processing security types message
CConnection: processing security types message
CConnection: Server offers security type VeNCrypt(19)
CConnection: Choosing security type VeNCrypt(19)
CConnection: processing security message
CConnection: processing security message
CConnection: processing security message
CVeNCrypt: Server offers security type X509Vnc (261)
CVeNCrypt: Choosing security type X509Vnc (261)
CConnection: processing security message
TLS: Could not load user specified certificate authority
TLS: Could not load user specified certificate revocation list
TLS: X509 session has been set
TLS: Deferring completion of TLS handshake: Resource temporarily
unavailable, try again.
CConnection: processing security message
TLS: Deferring completion of TLS handshake: Resource temporarily
unavailable, try again.
CConnection: processing security message
TLS: Deferring completion of TLS handshake: Resource temporarily
unavailable, try again.
CConnection: processing security message
TLS: Deferring completion of TLS handshake: Resource temporarily
unavailable, try again.
CConnection: processing security message
TLS: Deferring completion of TLS handshake: Resource temporarily
unavailable, try again.
CConnection: processing security message
TLS: TLS handshake completed with
TLS: hostname mismatch
Mon Apr 18 10:28:39 2022
TLS: server certificate invalid
TLS: server cert signer not found
CConn: Authentication failure: The server certificate uses an insecure