DKIM u php mailu

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Dobrý den,

používáme php mail . Spoustu emailu odeslaných z nám u gmailu končí ve spamu. Můžete prosím prověřít, že maily odesílané zmíněným způsobem jsou správně podepsané DKIM?

Pro úplnost přikládám část protokolu testeru:

DKIM check details:
Result:         none (message not signed)
ID(s) verified:

NOTE: DKIM checking has been performed based on the latest DKIM specs
(RFC 4871 or draft-ietf-dkim-base-10) and verification may fail for
older versions.  If you are using Port25’s PowerMTA, you need to use
version 3.2r11 or later to get a compatible version of DKIM.

Explanation of the possible results (based on RFCs 7601, 7208)

DKIM Results

none:  The message was not signed.

pass:  The message was signed, the signature or signatures were
acceptable to the ADMD, and the signature(s) passed verification

fail:  The message was signed and the signature or signatures were
acceptable to the ADMD, but they failed the verification test(s).

policy:  The message was signed, but some aspect of the signature or
signatures was not acceptable to the ADMD.

neutral:  The message was signed, but the signature or signatures
contained syntax errors or were not otherwise able to be
processed.  This result is also used for other failures not
covered elsewhere in this list.

temperror:  The message could not be verified due to some error that
is likely transient in nature, such as a temporary inability to
retrieve a public key.  A later attempt may produce a final

permerror:  The message could not be verified due to some error that
is unrecoverable, such as a required header field being absent.  A
later attempt is unlikely to produce a final result.

SPF Results

none:  Either (a) no syntactically valid DNS domain name was extracted from
the SMTP session that could be used as the one to be authorized, or
(b) no SPF records were retrieved from the DNS.

neutral:  The ADMD has explicitly stated that it is not asserting whether
the IP address is authorized.

pass:  An explicit statement that the client is authorized to inject mail
with the given identity.

fail:  An explicit statement that the client is not authorized to use the
domain in the given identity.

softfail:  A weak statement by the publishing ADMD that the host is probably
not authorized.  It has not published a stronger, more definitive policy
that results in a „fail“.

temperror:  The SPF verifier encountered a transient (generally DNS) error
while performing the check.  A later retry may succeed without further
DNS operator action.

permerror: The domain’s published records could not be correctly interpreted.
This signals an error condition that definitely requires DNS operator
intervention to be resolved.

„iprev“ Results

pass:  The DNS evaluation succeeded, i.e., the „reverse“ and
„forward“ lookup results were returned and were in agreement.

fail:  The DNS evaluation failed.  In particular, the „reverse“ and
„forward“ lookups each produced results, but they were not in
agreement, or the „forward“ query completed but produced no
result, e.g., a DNS RCODE of 3, commonly known as NXDOMAIN, or an
RCODE of 0 (NOERROR) in a reply containing no answers, was

temperror:  The DNS evaluation could not be completed due to some
error that is likely transient in nature, such as a temporary DNS
error, e.g., a DNS RCODE of 2, commonly known as SERVFAIL, or
other error condition resulted.  A later attempt may produce a
final result.

permerror:  The DNS evaluation could not be completed because no PTR
data are published for the connecting IP address, e.g., a DNS
RCODE of 3, commonly known as NXDOMAIN, or an RCODE of 0 (NOERROR)
in a reply containing no answers, was returned.  This prevented
completion of the evaluation.  A later attempt is unlikely to
produce a final result.

Role: Zákazník
Otázka je uzamčena pro nové odpovědi.
MB313456 Vybral nejlepší odpověď 2. 1. 2023
46.54K Odpověď od WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments

Dobrý den,

máme vše připravené pro testovací provoz DKIM. Měl byste zájem se zapojit do testování, než službu zpřístupníme všem?

Co díky DKIM získáte:
– Poštovní server příjemce si může ověřit, že zpráva byla opravdu odeslána z dané domény – Brání podvržení vašeho e-mailové adresy.
– DKIM zvyšuje důvěryhodnost e-mailových zpráv, protože poskytuje důkaz, že zpráva nebyla po odeslání pozměněna.
– Poštovní servery mohou využít informace získané z DKIM k lepšímu filtrování nežádoucí pošty – Pokud se za vás nikdo nemůže vydávat, mohou vás dát na whitelist.
– DKIM je široce rozšířený, podporují jej i známé freemaily jako Gmail anebo český Seznam – Používání DKIM může výrazně snížit šanci, že váš e-mail bude označen za spam.

Hlavičky e-mailů podepisujeme přímo naší doménou WEDOS, nikoliv doménou odesilatele. Ničemu by to nemělo vadit a nám to ulehčí hromadné nasazení do budoucna.

Role: Podpora Web: Vizitka: Produktový manažer.
MB313456 Vybral nejlepší odpověď 2. 1. 2023
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