název odkazu na webovou stránku
I hope it’s ok to write in English!
I keep changing the name of the page from „Page 2“ to another name, like „Contact“, but it does not save. It goes back to „Page 2“.
I want to have https://sylektis.space/contact.html, not https://sylektis.space/page2.html
Am I doing something wrong?
4 Answers
all done. Please go through the menu and change all the links on both pages.
Also the „gallery image“ text is hidden, I made it through the CSS. Please let me know if everything works OK.
Hello, how do you change the page file name? Are you using any FTP program or webftp.wedos.net? If you’re having trouble renaming a file, you probably don’t have sufficient permissions to do so. Try repair access permissions.
Hi. No, I’m just using the wedos.website service. Profi plan.
It works now. I think I was using illegal characters ;\
I have another question. I am frustrated that I cannot change the names of the blocks! I see a year ago someone had the same problem:
Při použití uložených bloků se jako název bloku používá vždy ten samý, nadto pro přehlednost pži odkazování bych rád použil jiné názvy, než předdefinované (#title1 ap.). Jakým způsobem přejmenuji blok?
It is now possible to do this? If not, it makes it VERY hard to build a website!
we can rename your blocks manually. Which page is it? Should we match the blocks ID with the block headline? Or do you wish to edit just some specific blocks? In future you should be able to edit it in HTML editor.