Provozovani cache app na mem hostingu?
Dobry den na mem webhostingu dochazi k selhani zabezpeceni stranek wordpress heslem z mobilnich aplikaci. Support linka mi poskytla toto vysvetleni problemu:
There is a new reply from Loft.Ocean Support Team in the support ticket: „Not working password protected pages on mobile“
Hi Marie,
Thank you for your reply.
I checked your website and it seems that there is a cache app running on your server. Therefore, it always return the cached html even after entering the password for the page you mentioned. Could you please confirm with your hosting provider. If there is any cache app running. If so, please disable it and then check the results again.
Best regards,
Mohu poprosit o zhodnoceni? Zda je mozne, ze na mem hostingu nejaka cache app bezi? Dekuji mnohokrat Remesova
1 Odpověď
Dobrý den,
cache jsem u Vašeho hostingu vypnul. Nastavení se projeví do půl hodiny. Dejte prosím vědět, jestli nastavení pomohlo, nebo ne – obecně doporučujeme mít cache zapnutou.