Server security

Vyřešeno543 zhlédnutíDedikované serverysecurity

I am interested in knowing more about the security associated with the dedicated server.

In particular, instruments and measures that warrantee third parties cannot access our data. Do you have any certifications on security?

Thanks in advance,


Role: Zákazník
Otázka je uzamčena pro nové odpovědi.
MB313456 Vybral nejlepší odpověď 2. 2. 2023
114.78K Odpověď od WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments


we do have security certifications, which you can find here. If you have questions about specifics, feel free to follow up.

Role: Podpora Web: Vizitka: WEDOS Specialista na Znalostní bázi
MB313456 Vybral nejlepší odpověď 2. 2. 2023
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