Migrace webhostingu Prestashop
Dobrý den,
mám u vás 2 webhostingy eshop-servis.cz a elvap.cz. Potřebuji z 1. webhostingu migrovat data na 2. webhosting. Modul který toto umožňuje však hlásí problémy se serverem ( viz níže). Vyzkoušel jsem již 2 varianty migračního modulu a stále to nejde. Nemáte prosím nějakou radu co s tím ? Díky předem za pomoc, Petr Valouch
Sorry! Direct migration can’t be done because there was problems with server to server connection between the target website and the source website. This problem happens because one of the servers (or both servers) is not responding or timed out.
Below are suggested solutions for the problem:
- Update server settings, make sure both servers are configured with UNLIMITED (or least 2 minutes) for max_execution_timeand they can execute an UNLIMITED number of continuous HTTP requests. Disable any firewall programs or server settings that stop the servers (or give500 Internal Server Error) when a large number of HTTP requests are sent to them during the migration.
- Try to download entire data of the source website using the Prestashop Connector module, then import the data into the target website with “Source Type” is set to “Upload data file from computer”
- Try to copy your websites to a better server or local computer (give maximum server resource usability for the websites) then start the migration again.
1 Odpověď
Dobrý den,
doporučím nastavit si parametr max_execution_time na 300 v konfiguraci webhostingu. Tato změna se projeví za 30 minut.