root password problem

Vyřešeno2.43K zhlédnutíVirtuální serveryVPS ON


I’ve installed Ubuntu image on my VM and setup password as showed in this tutorial The problem is that I need to restart the VM for password to be set up but when I restart, the password field becomes empty and I can’t login. Is there some workaround?


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JŠ255861 Vybral nejlepší odpověď 13. 7. 2022
48.03K Odpověď od WEDOS Internet, a.s. 0 Comments


where do you enter the new password? Via SSH or VNC in Nebula? Are you sure you are entering the password correctly? A different keyboard layout can also be a problem, for example when connecting via VNC.

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TJ285257 Odpověděl na otázku 20. 5. 2022
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